Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post 5: England

What are some of the specific reasons Victor feels he must go to England? Do you agree with these reasons? Is he procrastinating/wasting time?


  1. He finds out that scientists in England have made discoveries that would help him in his creation of the female. He also wants to recover fully before he marries Elizabeth. I disagree because in leaving for Britain, Victor causes himself uncertainty as to whether his creation is following him or staying in Switzerland. This uncertainty brings him constant worry, especially when he receives letters. He is definetly procrastinating. He spent a few months, after he had found out the discoveries of the English scientists, sightseeing with Henry.

  2. Victor is going to England because he "cannot form a female creature without profound studying and laborious disquisition" and had heard of discoveries being made there. He is definately procrastinating and wasting as much time as he possibly can. He says, "I clung to every pretense of delay, and shrank from taking the first step..." He really does not want to create another monster, especially because the first monster he made is murderous and malicious.
    -Chelsea W

  3. Victor wants to learn more modern procedures that would help him in making the companion. For instance when he states, “I had heard of some discoveries having been made by an English Philosopher, the knowledge of which was material to my success” (108) makes it clear that there is Victor has a desire to be rid of his despised creation. But yet he is reluctant to go because of what he fears to be only the strengthening of the creature's terrorizing actions. For example when Victor says, “You will return, and again seek their kindness, and you will meet with their detestation; your evil passions will be renewed, and you will then have a companion to aid you in the task of destruction” (106). Victor does procrastinate and even admits to it. For example “I clung to every pretence of delay” (108). His reasons are justifiable but he will never know the out come if he doesn't try to appease the monster that he has made a deal with.

    Brenden Owens
