Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post 10- Malicious

Why does the creature say he is malicious? Are these feeling justified and/or understandable? Use specific details from the text.


  1. He explains to Victor that he is malicious because he is miserable. His misery is stemmed from humanity's detestation of his abbhored appearance. People drive him away as often as they are driven away by his appearance.


  2. Aaron - perfect opportunity to use some direct quotes

  3. The creation clearly states, "I am malicious because I am miserable" (104). I think they are justified because everyone in the world is frightened by him and turned off to figure out what he is really about. Why should the creation make an attempt to get along with the world when the world wants nothing to do with him? The creation quotes, "Shall I respect man when he contemns me?" (104). I understand why he would not want to be nice and caring, because he already tried that and it failed. He has come to realize that there is no changing the way people feel about him because it is looks not emotions that people use to base a first judgement. The creation is so hideous that he can't get past the first step of judgement to have anyone even realize the potential he has as a human being.
    -chelsea norem

  4. Chelsea- model use of quotes/citations!!

    So in the end, we have a person here who is angry because he's not "pretty enough"?

  5. Somebody should look up the exact definition for malicious too!

  6. Malicious-motivated by wrongful, vicious, or mischievous purposes

  7. ma·li·cious 

    1. full of, characterized by, or showing malice; malevolent; spiteful: malicious gossip.
    2. Law . vicious, wanton, or mischievous in motivation or purpose.


  8. -Mrs. Matysak

    I don't think it is because he "isn't pretty enoguh," but I do believe that looks are the first basis for judgement, and because of his looks it is hard for him to let someone get to know him because everyone writes him off the second they see him.
    -chelsea norem

  9. @Mrs Matysak

    He's not angry that he's grotesque and abbhored, he merely wishes for someone to share in his pain and understand him by judging who he is, not what he is. He even asks that the companion be as hideous as himself and that it would make him happy, "I demand a creature of another sex, but as hideous as myself; the gratification is small, but it is all that I can reveive, and it shall content me" (105).

  10. Aaron...is this creature being selfish in demanding a creature who would essentially be just like him?

  11. to Aaron- I agree with that. He's not angry that he's ugly, he's saddened by it indirectly since nobody will take two seconds to get to know him before they go and judge him by his appearance.

    Also I do think he's being selfish, but I also think he has the right to be a bit selfish at this point. He deserves some kind of happiness in his life. After all, he really has nothing. He shouldn't have to give up on getting this one thing that would make him happy.

  12. I don't think he is being selfish at all. If he demanded the love of his creator, Victor would be fill with hatred and disgust. It is his right to have Victor's care since after all he did bring him into this world and if not his care then he deserves and even needs the love and care of another being.
    ~Brittany Rowe

  13. I agree with Jade, it's not selfish as much as it is a right as a sentient being, thought not completely human, to have one who loves you unconditionally in any degree as you do back. Being loved is something someone needs to keep their sanity in check. This is proven by his murdering of an innocent child.

  14. Will he just murder the new creature if she rejects him?
