Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post 12: Personal ads

The creature wants a woman. What would the creature's personal ad look like? While you can be creative, the details you include in your ad should be true to the text!! Read two examples below:

"Gentlemen, say hello to this forty-two year old divorced mother of two, from Southern California. I am a brunette of Italian descent, a little taller than average, a little plumper than average - though still considered a looker by my male friends. I work for a technology support company here in Irvine, where I am a vice-president. I have recently mastered the art of balancing my home life with my professional life, and am now looking to fill the emotional void left by my six-year-old divorce. I am looking for a single gentleman between thirty-five and fifty who lives in on the West Coast, and is financially secure. I would prefer a Catholic, physically fit gentlemen, who would welcome two college-aged sons into his family circle..."

"... I am a mature, self confident man, and you should be the same. I am not interested in meeting women with leftover emotional problems from previous relationships - you should be at peace with yourself, and the world. Age is unimportant to me, as I am old enough to appreciate a deeper, not only physical relationship. You should be a liberal minded, college educated, financially independent woman, preferably with no children, as I am childless and intend to remain that way. Ideally you live here in Chicago, but I am willing to travel anywhere in the Midwest to meet you. If you see yourself in this description, and are interested in meeting an intelligent, intellectual man, please contact me."

Post 11: Happy?

Why doe the creature think he will be happy with a female like himself? Do you agree or disagree. Explain your answer.

Post 10- Malicious

Why does the creature say he is malicious? Are these feeling justified and/or understandable? Use specific details from the text.

Post 9: nature vs nuture

What is your opinion on nature vs. nurture? Define the differences of the two. Do you think it best for an individual to be nurtured by biological parents or family members? OR does it matter as long as they are supporting? Do you think that it matters if one just lets nature takes its course and help mold the person?
Remember these questions? Now apply them to the "individual" Victor created.  Has he been shaped more by nature or nuture?

Post 8 - location, location, location

Victor travels to many locations throughout today’s reading. Where does Victor end his journey? Describe where and how he decides to built his laboratory. Do you think this was a good location and why? Use specific examples from the text to support your explanations.

Post 7: Benevolence

Define benevolence. Apply this term to the relationships in Chapters 16-19.

Post 6- The creation

How does Victor feel about creating the second monster? Look closely at the end of Chapter 19 for specific details. Does this change your persective of Victor?

Post 5: England

What are some of the specific reasons Victor feels he must go to England? Do you agree with these reasons? Is he procrastinating/wasting time?

Post 4: Solitude

What is different about Victor's solitude at the beginning of Chapter 18 (XVIII) from his solitude from first creating the monster?

Post 3: The refusal

Why does Victor initally refuse to make the female? Do you feel he is justified in his refusal? Explain your answer.

Post 2: Geneva

What motivates the creature to go to Geneva? How have these horrible circumstances fundamentally changed the creature. Use specific details/quotes from the text.

Post 1: Last time

After he is deserted by his father and creator, the  creature has to find alternative means of education. He learns much about life by observing the DeLacey family and reading epic poetry like Paradise Lost and novels like Plutarch's Lives and Sorrows of Werter. I know it's hard to believe that the creature actually "learns" something from reading books, but he DOES!!  My question to you is this: what can you learn about people/life/humanity/science etc. from reading Frankenstein. Do NOT just plot summarize.